JCCF secured a victory for campus free speech at Simon Fraser University (SFU) in Burnaby, B.C. In early February, the SFU campus club Life Link booked space for an educational display, approved by SFU to take place on Monday March 18. Suddenly, on the afternoon of Friday March 15, SFU cancelled the club’s scheduled event, based on complaints received by the university about the display’s controversial content. University administrators said it might be “necessary” to set up the display with signs facing inwards so that nobody walking by could see the display.
The students contacted JCCF on Friday evening. On Monday morning, the JCCF promptly sent a legal warning to SFU President Andrew Petter, which can be viewed here. The club’s event was re-scheduled for April 10 and 11, and took place without any censorship on the part of the university.