Horrified by the physical and mental condition of my clients after 3 months of lockdown

Horrified by the physical and mental condition of my clients after 3 months of lockdown

I am writing this letter in regard to the lockdown of the senior population in our town and country.

I work with seniors as a Foot care Professional. I see most of my clients anywhere from one month to six weeks apart.

As I was declared nonessential during this forced lockdown, I was no longer allowed to look after the medical needs of the feet of my clients. Clients who are diabetics have ingrown toenails, large corns, calluses, and very thick toenails.

I was finally allowed back into our manor on Tuesday, June sixteenth, not only was I horrified at the condition of my clients’ feet, for being three months without footcare, I was even more horrified, frustrated and saddened by the mental condition of my clients. They were made to stay in their rooms, no visiting even in the halls with each other, no family visits, no card games, no communication, and no social interaction.

The worst for many was lack of family and not having “me time” stimulation. Many seemed much more fragile and depressed as they still couldn’t even HUG THEIR FAMILY MEMBERS if they were fortunate enough to be able to visit outside, they had to stay six feet apart for a half hour!!!!!! Give me a freaking break!

This is what my seniors live for, family times, visits from friends, cards, bingo etc! And that was completely shut down. Let’s call it what it is: Senior Abuse!!!! Many of them said they would have much rather taken their chances with COVID-19 than have lost the last three months!

There were five deaths in our little manor over this period, none covid related. These people died without seeing their loved ones!!! It is unbelievable that they have been treated this way. Not only their emotional, and mental health harmed but also their physical health is harmed by taking away a resource that makes their health better. Please hold the government to account for this!!!


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