Ontario Judge releases Tamara Lich

Ontario Judge releases Tamara Lich

“Madam Constable, take those shackles off.”

These were the instructions given by Justice Andrew Goodman to the police officer responsible for Tamara Lich, who spent 49 days in prison because of her involvement in the peaceful Freedom Convoy of February 2022. On July 26, 2022, Justice Goodman overruled the prior decision of a Justice of the Peace, who had incarcerated Tamara for allegedly breaching the conditions of her bail.

Justice Goodman noted, “The likelihood to re-offend and the risk to the community remains low. While on release, there has been strict compliance with the conditions, save for the picture with Mr. Marazzo, and there is a very live question about whether there was a breach at all.” Justice Goodman added, “I trust Ms. Lich can be trusted to abide by the terms of her bail conditions.” Tamara was released on the existing amount of $37,000 in bond without deposit. The Judge noted, “Counsel is well aware that accused persons facing more serious indictable offences and with breaches of release terms are granted bail.” 

“Ms. Lich is not charged with sedition or inciting a riot,” noted Justice Goodman. “While the protests were of national import…the charges here relate to minor offences in the criminal code. I find it highly unlikely this 49-year-old woman with no criminal record…would spend any more time in jail.” 

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